Being Together /Tony Romeo/

 Hi there,

My name is Weronika and I welcome all David Cassidy's fans to this blog.

We, fans, still miss David Cassidy and it will never change for us..We also like talking about him..the impact he's had and still has on our lives. So such a blog could be a great place for writing and remembering him...

'Why me?' I could ask like Reuben Kincaid..I'm from Poland, English is not my native language (I'm still learning)..but maybe it could be an advantage..Fans from non English speaking countries could understand me better..

And I like talking and writing about David Cassidy..I even wrote two books about him just for myself and some very close friends, also Davidy Cassidy's fans..And it was one of my friend's idea..She said one day..-'Why don't you start writing a blog about DC? '(and leave me alone)..It was two years ago..and at last..I'm just starting..

I hope you will enjoy it and share your thoughts about David with me.



  1. Hi Weronika: My name is Encarni and I'm from Spain, I don't speak English either, but google helps me translate. I have been a fan of David Cassidy since I was 15 years old, although in Spain he stopped publishing records about 75. Since then I was disconnected from his entire recording and acting career, until, thanks to the internet, I found information and videos of everything he had lost. I wish you the best of luck with the blog and I hope to continue reading it. A hug.

    1. Hi Encarni, thank you so much for your support and for your kind words..I'm learning all the to run this's just the beginning...but ..the things we do because of David Cassidy.. Hope you will enjoy reading. A hug too.

  2. Best wishes for your new blog Weronika. It's looking great so far. Are you planning to post something every week??

    1. Thank you Beverley for your kind words..At least once in a week..but maybe more often..I'm going to post sth today too..

    2. Hi weronika , I would just like to say how much I have enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to reading more .its brilliant and wish you all the best with it .love Claudette.

    3. Thank you so much Claudette..for your kind words and support...Big hug.

  3. Doreen Walker
    Well.done Weronika, it's brilliant

  4. Powodzenia ��❤

  5. Hi Weronika
    Love your blog. A great idea and so informative. Keep up the good work. X

  6. Thank you for your support.xx

  7. Hi Weronika and Happy New Year to you! My name is Kellie, i live in the US. So far i have read several of your stories, and i have to say "i'm hooked!" Good luck with your blog - i will try to read it often, although i'm a bit short on time a lot, but i'm loving this! lots of love to you and all my DC Fanily as i like to call us fans. :)

    1. Hi Kellie and Happy New Year too! Thank you so much for your kind words, yes we are DC Family, well said, wherever we live. I hope David Cassidy knew how important he was for us, and is, and it will never change.

  8. HI Weronika...such a pleasure to know you! Thank you for inviting me to read your blog and be a part of your celebration of DCs life and amazing contribution to this world. He was a very uniques and special person with such extroardinary talents...I wish I had known him. Alas, we can keep his memory alive together!
    I live in NY close to Saratoga. I am enjoyig your posts tremendously!
    I am so glad you have liked my videos I have made to honor means so much to me. Thank you always...your friend, Sharon

    1. Hi Sharon, you've made my day, I'm soo happy, I LOVE your videos, always made me smile, I'm going to write a post soon about DC's tribute videos on YT. I wish I had seen him in concert..just once..This is a true David Cassidy's legacy, that bond we feel..I know I will manage to come to Saratoga one day and we will meet in person. I just know this..Take care..your friend, Weronika.

  9. Hi Weronika, Thanks for the link on the website. I have started from the beginning of your blog. It's so informative. Thank you so much. I know you know me a bit from the DC blog, but I wanted you to know that before I taught English as a second language, I also was a teacher and librarian......a nice coincidence. :-)

  10. Hi, very nice coincidence..I wasn't a good teacher , I'm afraid, much better librarian. Hope you will enjoy reading my blog. xxx

  11. Hej MAMO!
    bardzo mi się podoba szata graficzna bloga (wygląda lepiej niż oficjalna strona :D), czcionka jest super i tło też pasuje. Świetnie ustawiłaś te zakładki na górze, wszystko dobrze się dobrze czyta i masz dużo komentarzy.
    Love <3

    1. So nice..Dzięki , własnie wczoraj było 3k..Bardzo, bardzo się cieszę, ze Ci sie podoba.BIG , BIG HUG, buziaczki i w ogóle..


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