'David. Do His Kisses Mean Danger?'


Or..'Why David Cries And Cries'..'Win David's Love. Find Out How!'..The more dramatic title on the cover, the better.  David Cassidy was the biggest star of teen magazines ..ever..Some people earned just mountains of money out of him..it was enough to put a picture of David on the cover to increase sales..Not only teen mags ..'Rolling Stone' issue with naked David on the cover was sensational and  sold out..

For 4 years, from 1970 to 1974 David Cassidy was an undisputed king , or rather prince of teen mags..Fave, 16, Melanie, Mirabelle, Music Star, Teen Life, Teen World, Tiger Beat..there were mags made just for him..they were called Tiger Beat's Official Partridge Family Magazine or Tiger Beat Super Annual (there was also David Cassidy Annual) but it was a kind of smoke screen..only David was really important....in Europe the most popular were British weekly mag  'Jackie' , and German 'Bravo'.

The first half of the 70s was a golden age of teen mags. They weren't too expensive, the avarage price being $0,50 so young girls could spend their pocket or babysitting money on them..What was the circulation of these mags? Huge..Jackie's sales reached 600 000, the best ever selling issue was with David , the special edition to coincide with his UK tour..16 mag - in 1972 a circulation of 1.2 million.

Allison Pearson in her book 'I Think I Love You' showed us what it looked like..working in a magazine dedicated to David Cassidy. He had nothing to say, no control at all..it was a huge business. Other people made money selling David's invented image..He was the goose with the golden eggs..

Millions of girls bought those mags. They waited impatiently for a new issue and new information, pics, posters. And they put David's posters  on their bedroom walls. Millions of girls and in every bedroom David was looking at them..and yet at just them..And when they were going to sleep they kissed his pics and his eyes were the first thing they looked at in the morning..

The pic is mine. I didn't have any teen mags in the 70s.Now, thanks to my generous English friends I have a small collection.


  1. I was one of those teenage girls who put a huge poster of David on the wall next to my bed and I never got tired of looking at him or listening to the three cassette tapes he had, Cherish, Rock Me Baby and Dreams Are Nuthin 'More Than Wishes. In Spain there were no such magazines, but there were specific music magazines and the so-called "del corazón", dedicated to famous people. Here David became famous thanks to The Partridge Family, but from 1975 practically nothing was heard of him, so those of us who were fans could not follow his subsequent evolution until many years later with the arrival of the internet.
    I like your blog and I read you every day even if I don't comment, a lot of encouragement and don't leave it, because you relive many memories and feelings of many fans.

    1. Thank you so much, really..this is also David Cassidy's legacy, that we, his fans..feel connected, never have met but we share the same emotions..we understand each other..we know what does it mean - being DC fan..that was also my idea about the title of this blog , the inspiration was Tony Romeo's song, 'Being Together' . And it's amazing that it was the first song from the first David's solo album ..

  2. I used to collect the official David Cassidy Magazines ,I have quite a few but sadly didn't manage to get all of them .I can remember looking out for magazines with David inside ,for pics and information. alot of my posters came from music star and Jackie magazines .my bedroom walls were covered in David Cassidy posters .I loved seeing his gorgeous eyes and smile and still do .I am so pleased to have been a young fan of the 1970s ps love your blog weronika

  3. Thank you Claudette, big hug.. Of course we are so lucky being teens in the 70s..

  4. DOREEN WALKER: I remember going to the shops back in the 70's and hunting out all the magazines with David in them. I was lucky and was able to order a couple at the local newsagents back then to be delivered with the newspapers when they were published. The ones i ordered were, "Jackie", Fabulous/Fab 208 and of course, The David Cassidy Magazine". I had managed to buy issue 1, but unfortunately, even though it was right at the bottom of my school bag, bought it on the wsy to school, it was stolen from my bag and i couldn't get a replacement anywhere. I managed to get issue 2, but was unable to get issue 3, thats when i decided to order it then i knew i wouldn't miss anymore. I did eventually get hold of a copy of issue1 and 3 back in 2019, i found them on Ebay, so i now have the complete set. Love reading your blogs Weronika

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words but first of all for your memories for all of us, DC's fans to read.


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