The First Concert 1971March26th I Can Feel Your Heartbeat

 The Partridge Family - I Can Feel Your Heartbeat (Wes Farrell, Jim Cretecos, Mike Appel)

The first ever David Cassidy's concert took place 50 years ago, on March 26th, 1971 , at Seattle Center Arena , in Seattle, WA. It was so long time ago that this buliding is not exist anymore . We know a lot about this concert , thanks to DC's autobiography, but first of all to Elliot Mintz. When he recorded his interview with DC in 1974, in Hawaii, he went to great lenghts to ask David about the smallest details of that first concert.This recording is just fascinating .Elliot was inquisitive , kept David on track with his story, and it's so moving to listen to young David Cassidy,  who himself tried to comprehend and understand it all.It's like being there with them.

The part about this first concert  starts at 1.25.49 (for those who has  never listened to those priceless tapes).

The first ever song performed live by David Cassidy was I Can Feel Your Heartbeat. It's happened that he sang that song on one of his very first tv appearances as a guest star, in 1970. This is 20 year old David Cassidy on The Larry Kane Show :

This song became his concert opener for ever. And David Cassidy during his career played more than 600 concerts.In the U.S, just everywhere, in every state , big outdoor performances, sold out concerts at big halls..but even in the 70s he sometimes played for small audience, in very unprepeared places, his managers wanted to earn as much money on him as it was possible. They knew that his audience didn't care, if they heard something or not. They wanted David .

This is one of the first DC's concert review , after his third gig in May 1971 (DaytonDailyNews,1971May16) :

'David Cassidy gave the kids just what they wanted. He gave David Cassidy. The singer rocked through 11 numbers in 45- minute performance. He danced from one side of the stage to the other and the screaming, crying, yelling throng of teeny-boppers loved every second of it. David told me -'They were so loud I couldn't hear myself sing.(..) I didn't know if I was sharp or flat or with a group or what.' But the kids didn't care.(..)50 police officers and ushers guarded the stage. The kids bombarded the stage with love- notes, coins, snoopy dolls, beads and anything else that was loose in a 13-year-old's purse. Parents sat in stunned disbelief as their off-spring went crazy over the smiling singer.(..) 'I just don't know what it is that sends them up the walls like this' said one parent(..) 'We love him. That's all. We just love him.'

And that never changed.

This is my number 1 version of that song...I can feel it... between 1962- 1995 called Seattle Center Arena. Demolished in 2017.


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