C' mon , Get Happy /D.Jannsen, W.Farrell/

 One of the best opening theme ever. Great to sing along, makes us happy..I'm using present tense, you should read some comments under that video..it still makes people happy like it was 50 years ago..This song has it's own place in  popular culture. A song about love and happiness, I always smile listening to it. Perfection.


But this is a post not about the song..this is a post ..I wondered for some time whether to write it at all. I've been trying not to write about DC's private life so far..but he told all himself.

In the 90s there was a real renaissance of the 70s. Fashion, music, and ..The Partridge Family. Nickelodeon showed it every night at 8 pm. MTV ran the Partridge Family Marathon in July 1993. David was honoured in This Is Your Life, and one of the guests was Susan Dey. She had a present for him..it was very emotional..David Cassidy became a real star again, a celebrity..And everybody was waiting for his autobiography..

In an interview on May 15th 1994 (Indianapolis Star) he said how his life had changed for the better because of his family. As an artist he gave always 100%, everything , but : 'My personal life is where I always been able to pull down the courtain" ..And till 1994 it was true, he never gave any names and sometimes went undercover..

So David Cassidy's autobiography : 'C'mon Get Happy, Fear And Loathing On The Partridge Family Bus' published in June 1994 was a real bombshell.. David was invited to talk about it to the most famous American tv shows - Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, Greg Kinnear, Ian Stewart, Roger Rose..I've chosen a conversation with one of my fav actors, Greg Kinnear, he was a fan of TPF. Greg asked DC about the book but  they also talked about David's dramatic roles on tv and on Broadway.


So what DC wrote in his book ? He said..that it was a truth .'When you agreed to tell the truth about sth you've got to say- I'm not going to tell a lie here.' (The Orlando Sentinel, July1st,1994). So everyone who bought his autobiography (Warner Books, $11,99) could read that David Cassidy : 

did a lot of drugs, got kicked out of high school (more than once), as a teen liked stealing bicycles, Jack Cassidy was a terrible father and a bisexual alcoholic, David got drunk with John Lennon, was embarrased because of puka shell trend he started, had a fling with Meredith Baxter, got to know Gina Lollobrigida, had sth with Susan Dey..and that he really liked sex. and that he had sex everywhere, and at every free moment , in his dressing room, in his car... He wrote that it was a kind of compesation of the lost privacy and no normal life.

Susan said ;'I found it to be a tremendous, terrible violation. and tacky. Really tacky. My first reaction was - that poor, desperate soul' (August 17th, 1994). They never met again..

I really like this book, I admire DC's courage in sharing his experiences. I love the part of his teenage years..I understand why he wrote so much about sex . He was also a victim.. It's so brutally frank and a great read. With those two exceptions - the things he wrote about his father and about Susan..I really don't know why . but...'those showbusiness people' ..they are different kind ..

Chip Deffaa 'C'mon Get Happy's ghost writer ; 'Offstage, there was an enormous sadness in him, a lot of insecurity, a lot of loneliness. When he was really depressed, really in a dark mood, you really felt it. I liked him, and told him so. He responded - 'You maybe like me now. When you get to know me better, you probably won't like me so much. And you'll probably turn on me. Everybody does..'' and 'He carried his hurts with him. In interviews he used his best acting skills, offstage he was frank in saying that very little gave him satisfaction, that life was a real struggle. The only happy memories he had , were before he ever tasted fame..' ( November23, 2017 www,theaterscene.net )




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