David Cassidy in Las Vegas . Part 1. Lookin' For A Good Time / W.Farrell, D.Janssen, B.Hart/

 I like this song very much..DC was 23 when he sang this, and at the time he could have written a very impressive book on that subject. Having a good time..


Las Vegas , Nevada , The Entertainment Capital Of The World, one of the most amazing and unusal place I have ever seen in my life. A real monument of humans' power nad strong will.. Just to think about building a city in such place. The journey itself  to it from LA is  exciting..The city was founded in 1905 on the floor of the Mojave Desert and is surronded by mountain ranges on all sides..Amazing mountains..Nevada is the third seismically active state in the U.S. and the climate is subtropical hot desert. In July the average temperature is 40C..Enough..I could write about it...a lot.

In TPF's pilot made in December1969, the first family's show was to be in Las Vegas, and the pilot was actually filmed there. David Cassidy wrote in his autobiography that it was the first time he was in LV, but I read somewhere, that he was taken by Jack and Shirley there in the 60s ,for Frank Sinatra's show..Anyway in December 1969, David was 19, he was a working actor, rented a house (with Sam), had his own car and money, but of course they wouldn't let him in the casinos.. he was underage, and looked like one..So ..let's jump on the bus with TPF..I'm On The Road..free and easy..travelling..


In 1971 and 1972 David Cassidy played concerts just everywhere in the U.S., also in Saratoga Springs and Albuquereque, but not in Las Vegas..and his concerts weren't popular in LA too, his Hollywood Bowl concert on August 4th, 1972 was cancelled, because not enough tickets had been sold...but I think he visited Las Vegas from time to time, after all is only about 430 km from LA. And he got married there , Kay Lenz , on April 3rd, 1977. There is this famous pic , DC and Shaun, both so beautiful, David..rather tired..The marriage was written about, also that the ceremony was delayed because DC forgot the marriage licence in their hotel room, that he wore a black suit and his bride a white, lace dress..


When David Cassidy returned to playing concerts again in the U.S. in the early 90s, he didn't perform in Las Vegas. He worked very hard, new albums, tv roles from time to time, in 1993 he composed the theme for a popular sitcom called The John Larroquette (he submitted the demo under the pseudonym, even that he knew the producer). He also appeared in one of the episodes, aired on an 31, 1995, but I couldn't find it anywhere..In 1996 he still toured with Blood Brothers (Canada) and was working on a new album. David was again a big star, 46, still very, very handsome..He was dreaming about doing something big and spectacular, and about really big money..

Life is full of surprises..


This is my pic ..mountains just about 30 minutes drive from Las Vegas.


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