David Cassidy Teenage Dream BBC 1 Documentary

In the 90s,  David Cassidy, at the beginning of the decade 40 years old,  behaved like  a true workaholic. Once a global star, he wanted to be on top again, once a millionaire , the loss of his fortune hunted him, even that he never was materialistic. He was at the peak of his possibilities, and worked so hard  that around 1998  had very serious health problems ( nerve damage in his left foot and back pain), and a nervous breakdown. He became addicted to painkillers and antidepressants. His marriage was also on the rocks. Sue didn't like Las Vegas. She felt like a single parent with David working non stop, they started to lead separate lives, and actually separated for some months. Since 1987 they changed houses 11 times. Each time she had to organize their home life again. David, for whom she had resigned from her career and travelled with him wherever his work took him, was always absent. It didn't help that there were a lot of young, atractive women around him, actresses, singers, dancers..


It's even difficult writing about DC's projects in the 90s , there were so many of them ..So I'm going to make a list. In the 90s  David Cassidy :

- recorded and released 3 albums , one by his own record label ; 6 tv roles (one in German tv series), he wrote his autobiography, 800 times performed in Blood Brothers, for 27 months  performed in EFX - about 1500 times,  co-wrote and co-produced TV series called 'Ask Harriet',  appeared in more than 200 tv programmes as a guest star, gave 25 radio interviews , about 50 concerts (1991 and 1992)..And countless rehearsals, journeys..meetings, negotiations, promotion..press interviews, photo sessions..This list has made me think about this last TPF's episode aired on March 23, 1974 , and that song..


The 70s were very popular again , it was also a great David's come back, Hugh Grant talked about him in the movie hit 'Four Weddings And a Funeral' , the cover of I Think I Love You made by the British group Voice of the Beehive, reached nr 25 on the UK charts, there was that famous Levi's commercial, and another version of ITILY in another hit movie Scream 2, and some documentries about DC and TPF. 

And actually I saw one of them, on December 12, 1998..BBC1 doc..'David Cassidy Teenage Dream'..

It was really a miracle  that I saw it..Normally I had no time , even that we had a satelite tv and I loved watching programmes in English..But it happened that my husband was away , my kids went to sleep, I turned on tv on BBC 1, and  couldn't believe my eyes..and ears..How Can I Be Sure..I Am A Clown...Could It Be Forever...concerts' clips...pics, teen mags...girls screaming..interviews..Rolling Stone's article..White City..David young and older..just 40 minutes, I didn't understand half of it, I had no idea about anything..everything was new for me.. but later I sat and thought for a long time that night..You must remember that in the 70s I only saw a couple of DC's pics in Bravo, heard three or four songs ..that was all..And that December night I felt so robbed, that I'd never had a chance to take part in that story, in that excitement, I never saw DC in concert, never had his albums, or even teen mags..nothing, and in 1998 it was too late,  an ancient history, so many years ago in different world, and I even forgot about that teenage girl who'd once been so happy and loved music so much. I forgot about myself and felt so old and not happy at all ..and very, very lost..




  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCPS1-Erv_A&t=64s

  2. The full BBC documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCPS1-Erv_A&t=64s

    1. Thank you so much, amazing quality..it's still so moving to watch. Thanks again.

  3. I like your blog especially for two reasons, I identify with you because of that feeling of having missed so many things about David ... In Spain since 1975, more or less, I didn't know anything about him, I think the last thing I saw was his appearance on "The Love Boat". I had no idea that he kept singing. When I had access to the internet, I looked out of curiosity, to see a photo of that boy who occupied the wall of my room for a while. This would be in 2010. But it was after his death that I truly dedicated myself to watching more videos and learning about his life. The other thing that I admire about you is your dedication to researching everything about David, in a serious way, without fanaticism, putting reality before sentimentality, perhaps because you could not admire David from the 70s, when the fans loved him in a certain way. almost irrational.

    1. Wow..thank you Encarni for your much than kind words. Yes, there are more fans like us, who really rediscovered DC after his death. Of course he was always present, more or less like you said '..that boy who occupied the wall..', I like it..Yes, I never admired DC , it's quite a different story when you become a fan as an adult, a middle aged woman. And , yes facts are very important for me, I'm a former teacher(and a librarian)..And David's life is also his legacy, we can learn so many things.. and I think the real David Cassidy, that amazing , complex man, was much, much more interesting than any image of him.


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