Falling In Love With ..Keith Partridge

 Not me. He is 17 and I could have been his grandmother. I'm joking of course. It's because  recently I've spend a lot of time with this boy and his singing family. Writing synopsis, taking some screenshots.It's amazing how Keith kept changing. And the show. In the first season he was just a member of TPF, there were long minutes without DC on the set, songs performed off  screen, like in the 2nd ep. 'The Sound Of Money' or in 'Danny and the Mob','They Shoot Managers, Don't They ?', some songs weren't sung by David, even if from the start was obvious that he had a great voice, it was pure magic. Like when he was singing that short fragment in 'To Be Lovers' (episode 11). When David sings  this is the most wonderful song ever, so sincere and innocent, without his voice it's just dull.


From the start they worked on Keith's look. At the beginning Keith was just a member of the family, pretty boy and a lead singer, but someone quite ordinary and not the most important. They were experimented with his hair, trying to find the best and sexy look. So fringe or without, hair parted down the middle, sometimes we could see his ears, sometimes we couldn't ..and his hair was longer with each season, until season 4 when David had the longest hair on set and didn't look like a teen. No way.


From the Season 2 he even looked taller, and Keith's clothes..this poor boy changed his clothes all the time. And make up. Enough, David Cassidy was The Partridge Family. Of course TPF was a decent show, even more, it was pretty good, DC and Danny had just amzing comic timing, writing was really good too, but the only reason we still watch it  is David Cassidy of course. It's fascinating seeing how he was changing on set, at the beginning just a young actor, in 1971 already a superstar, who toured the country as solo act at the weekend after filming the show. Fans didn't want other Partridges on stage and in person, they wanted to hear TPF's hits and.. see Keith Partridge..That was  insane.


But the reason I'm writing this post is not Keith Partridge, but David Cassidy website and TPF's project. Fans were being offered (it was about 10 days ago) the opportunity to contribute a page on DC's Official website. It wasn't very complicated task - just to write a short (about 300 words)  synopsis for one , chosen episode..And you know..nearly nothing. I'm surprised, really. I write a blog, I try to be a valuable member of some DC's groups, but for me David Cassidy Official website is the most important. It's an amazing library, where we can find just priceless documents, articles , memories, information on everything what DC did and what was written about him, audio recordings, videos , chats transcriptions..everything. It's a great honor for me  that I can help our webmaster. And I've read many times how fans thanked her for her hard work..and now..nearly nothing. Don't get me wrong, there are some fans who have volunteered to write more, no problem. But to miss such opportunity to do something for the website, to do something for David Cassidy. I'm surprised..



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