The Cowsills

For the next year David Cassidy's Official Las Vegas Walk Of Stars Event April12th, 2022, some people have been  invited as guest speakers . Among them Bob, Paul and Susan Cowsill. 

Maybe let's first listen to  that song and watch The Cowsills. The year is 1967.

What a happy and charming song, be careful, it's very addictive..and what a drummer!  John Cowsill was at the time  just 11 years old. It's not a surprise that since 2000 he's been  working with the Beach Boys..But that song was recorded by hired session musicians, the only Cowsill who performed on that hit was a lead vocalist, Bill..( and a little bit of back vocal from a mother). 

I never heard about the Cowsills in the 70s, but truly speaking  about The Partridge Family too. I only knew that TPF had a connection with DC. The only source of info was Bravo, and me and my friends didn't know German (only basic words from war films). Their songs weren't played on the radio. At least I can't tremember.

For a couple of  years I've known The Cowsills only as a family band which was an inspiration for TPF's creator, Bernard Slade. But I think time comes to learn sth more

The next video is very unusal. 1. it's like on the TPF's set. 2. the song is really well sung , great harmonies 3. In the 2nd part of it they start playing, and it's really worth listening.'s a cover of course, the lyrics not for 13 year old , maybe a little strange just for me bc I know that song from Grateful Dead's version, anyway, it's interesting.

The band was formed in the early 1965, four boys who wanted to be The Beatles. In 1967 in the group there were six siblings, ranged in age from 6 to 19. And a mother. Their first hit, 'The Rain,  The Park & Other Things' was sold over three million copies worldwide, it was #2 on Billboard and was kept from #1 by 'Daydream Believer'. What a bad luck..

They became a very popular act , and played about 200 concerts a year in the 60s. The story of The Cowsills is fascinating, even tragic, their career was short, they were pigeonholed, lost their money, 51- year old  Barry Cowsill became a victim of the hurricane Katrina,   but I'm a DC's fan, and for me the most interesting question is why instead a tv series called 'The Cowsills' , we had 'The Partridge Family' ? I've read that they were approached to do a tv series, had a visit from Screen Gem's important guys, but the producers already signed an actress to play the mother on the series. Her name was Shirley Jones...

The Cowsills still do concerts, their kids or other members of the family played with them..So once again 'The Rain..' or as the song is often called - 'The Flower Girl'.


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