"Back In The Spotlight Where He Belongs..'

 This is something what one journalist said about David Cassidy.  On October 1st, 1990, on Radio 95.5P LJ in NYC..David was a special guest there, and he was so happy that people loved his new music and that he was again in his native city.  He told about his roots, New Jersey .The songs from his new album were played and the listeners could call and asked him questions. And they all said the same thing - 'David, so wonderful that you are back..How we have been waiting for you..' "How we missed you', 'Just great to hear you again..'


One woman said that she had all TPF's albums and that in the 70s she'd pretended that DC'd been singing just for her. And David said : 'You know, I was singing  for you in fact'. He was very moved and happy, joked with fans, another woman asked him : 'Are you married?' 'No.." "Have you got any significant lady?'.."I have a lot of significant ladies..' She wanted to ask him for dinner..He told about the album, his plans, upcoming tour..He told some stories from TPF's set, about Simone the dog, or how Dave Madden'd wanted to strangle Danny after 47 takes in a tree hut.. One call was from Danny..And while talking with Danny he was serious, DC really cared about his tv's younger brother..


I've only started listening to DC's radio interviews from the 90s, but I can already tell you this is  David Cassidy at his best..And I've had a first very nice surprise. Timm McCoy's conversation with  DC on WKSR OH, April 22, 1990.. It was also a very big surprise for Timm, someone else was supposed to conduct that interview.  DC was  in London, they called him  and Timm was so excited, it was something really special for him, Timm was a fan from the start, since 1970..He played some songs from the album, asked David why fans in the US had to wait so long for his new music..what DC tought about his songs, was he still asked about Keith..This is a link to that interview.



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