Walking In The Rain / Barry Mann, Phil Spector, Cynthia Weil

The original was recorded by a girl group, the Ronettes, it was number 23 on Billboard HOT 100 in 1964 (Phil Spector produced that record), and sure David knew that song from his school years..Simple but such  charming lyrics, about finding  a true love, a love at first sight ..some day..


On Wikipedia we can read about other versions of that song, but not a word about great David Cassidy's cover. I know it was The Partridge Family's hit, but it was David's singing which made that song so special. And his performance..wow..he was a true  teenage dream..to be on the set, who wouldn't want to, such a bad timing for me, I'm only a few months older than Jodie Foster..Seriously, this is a great cover.


I know that  anyone is allowed to edit Wikipedia, and I think this is something fans should do, whatever we think of Wiki, it's an important and very often a first and last source of information for many. But everything needs time, and I've been very busy recently watching TPF and taking screen shots for the website. A friend's asked me - 'Sure you know all episodes by heart, it must be very boring'. Of course not. Each time I notice sth new, there are always new words to check ( learning English never ends) and first of all it's a great honor for me that I can do something for the David Cassidy website. And last but not least watching David singing..I only don't know just what they filmed others for..


It's amazing what you can discover taking screen shots. 1. terrible make up (quite often), sometimes unbottoned DC's (or rather Keith's) shirts were forgotten..sometimes lipstic is so visible..2. It's amazing how he looked different in each season. In season 2  so painfully skinny..But the most interesting for me is Season 4, and while taking those screen shots I've made a discovery. Quite often, in group scenes, when others are saying something, David's eyes are closed, he looks like someone very bored and tired..wishing to be somewhere else..

.'Where Do We Go From Here.."



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