Lookin' For A Good Time / Wes Farrell, Danny Janssen and Bobby Hart

or a very valuable lesson I've learned because of my previous post (about David and Shaun)

But first the song.Truly speaking that trio, Wes, Danny and Bobby, wrote together some very good and memorable songs for TPF. 'Money Money' and 'I Wouldn't Put Nothin' Over On You' from Bulletin Board , 'Lookin' For a Good Time is also from that album), and 'Sunshine' (Crossword Puzzle), and 'Something Wrong' (Notebook), and Danny Janssen with Wes Farrell's help wrote 'Brown Eyes' and 'Twenty Four Hours A Day' (Sound Magazine), to name a few..

So the song, from the Season 4, episode 15, aired January 26, 1974.


So why this song and what about my lesson. The song is because I'm not 17 and  should think first before writing something, not to be so adventurous so to speak. And yesterday I wrote a post which has got quite a lot of comments. I've thought that  writing about David and Shaun would be a great idea. Two brothers who in spite of having different mothers, and significant age difference, and being completely different personalities, and doing in the same business, in spite of everything those two ambitious men all their lives were real brothers, for good and for bad..

Both were huge stars in the 70s. Here is Shaun on Goldie Hawn Special. Listen to those screams and to the song, we DC fans know that song too..


And Goldie kissing him and singing together..


And when David became a teen idol it wasn't an easy situation for Shaun either..Up until 1970 David was a great big brother for Shaun who said that he even had no idea that DC could sing until he did TPF..Suddenly David became someone very hard to meet even for his brothers, he simply had no time. As Shaun said :'I didn't feel really close to him (at the time). He became much more insular. (..) Had I been older, more experienced, I could have said to David something like, -'Don't wrap yourself up in Graceland here,' He definitely had a bit of that going on'' (David Cassidy :'Could It Be Forever?, 2007)

 And his image..for Shaun's peers, his friends, TPF's music wasn't cool..

This is a link to 'This Is Your Life' with Shirley Jones, aired on April 29, 1971. At the end of that recording we can see all of them together, 21 year old David, his younger brothers Shaun, Patrick and Ryan, and their father, Jack Cassidy. This is the only occasion we can see all four Cassidy brothers and Jack together..


So what about my lesson and those comments? Maybe I shouldn't have written who was more popular and etc..But this is not the end of that story, the story about David and Shaun..

to be continued..


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