TPF_S2E3 ..'A Man Called Snake'

From the start, and I think it was in July, I thought it was a great idea. To write  the synopsises for all  The Partridge Family's episodes.
The Official David Cassidy Website is an amazing huge library, For many years countless documents, priceless scans of thousands articles from newspapers and magazines, videos, memorabilia, fans' memories have been collected there. All of them, even if from time to time there are articles critical of David. But I feel it's very important to give everybody a chance to form own opinions, and I know that the real DC, a complex man and a wonderful singer and actor,  was much more interesting than his image. The DC Website is sth very dear to my heart, and it's a great honour for me that I have my share in it.

Jane, our webmaster, thought that writing TPF's synopsises would give fans an opportunity to contribute  to the website. To do something for David's legacy.  And all fans synopsises sent to Jane  were  great, the real labour of love..But somehow that collective work goes slowly..there are roughly 1/3 of the episodes left, Maybe even more, because there are cases where people volunteered...and nothing..

But I keep writing.  English is not my native language, but in that case is an advantage, because those synopsises should be written in a rather simple English, to be understood by every fan, also from no- speaking English countries..And yesterday I spent some very nice time with the episode from Season 2. And this is a song from it..

Why this song was unreleased ? It's a great mystery for me, such a happy, wonderful gem of a song. 'Listen To The Sound', written by John Michael Hill, a song from the episode nr 3 (S2), 'A Man Called Snake'. First aired October 1, 1971 . And for me this is one of the best of all 96 TPF episodes. Because I can see that David really enjoyed himself this time. He was always a pro, but after writing synopsises for about twenty episodes and taking screen shots for all of the written so far, I think I can be sure about it..There were episodes that he obviously had enough, was very tired, and on many screen shots his eyes were closed like he wanted to be somewhere else.

But not this time. Maybe because of the funny script, or that motorcycle gang in it , or wonderful Rob Rainer who played Snake. He became David's good friend, and they had opportunity to work again nearly 20 years later. In 'The Spirit of '76', a movie directed by Rob's brother, Lucas..Here we can see David and Rob  in a wonderful trailer from that film.

And last but not least..the way DC looked in that episode. Someone's posted a comment today 'That gorgeous look..' Yes..that look.


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