Crazy Over You / David Cassidy

Yes, it's an amazing  song, so full of passion and desire..why it wasn't released on the David Cassidy self-titled album in 1990 ? For example instead of not so exciting, truly speaking average 'All Because Of You' (co-wrote by Sue Shifrin)  And what's more 'All Because Of You' was Cher's hit in 1989, so why and what for?? We will never know..

But it was a mistake, because  'Crazy Over You'.. there is something in it, this song is so addictive, it begins seemingly so calmly and innocently, but little by can't stop listening..David Cassidy at his best. Great  voice, powerful and sexy, intensity and emotion..a hit rock number..

The lyrics of that song has been added to the David Cassidy Official Website recently. And you have no idea that it actually took a lot of emails and a lot of work before it was possible. It only looks so easy to do, I've tried but failed, and at last Doreen Walker has made it, but even she is not not sure with one line. And Doreen is the best at that kind of work, she is very precise, inquisitive and patient. And we owe her not only this lyrics, but  she also made something really extraordinary - the transcript of DC's liner notes from 'Home Where The Heart Is' album cover. How many times I tried to decode  David's handwriting... Many! I was soo happy when at last I could read it, thanks to Doreen. It's a great read,  David Cassidy  shares with us very personal thoughts and hopes about those recordings.

Doreen or I are only two of many who have done something for the David Cassidy Official Website over the years. It's a great honor and satisfaction to have own share. And every little thing counts. Every article found, every scan, a concert set list, or a pic. Every kind of memorabilia. Every corrected mistake. Fans work hard and they do it for David and other fans, not for own personal glory. There is no place for 'this is mine', or 'I've found it' attitude. No, we are Team David. All fans. All and each fan can do something.

In fact it's only up to us, fans, whether or not David Cassidy's legacy will be preserved. We should remember about it.


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