Message To The World / David Cassidy, Sue Shifrin

 A war is going on just behind our border and already we have more than 120 000 refugees in Poland. A sea of people, mostly women and children, their husbands and fathers and brothers have stayed in Ukraine to fight. So maybe it's not time for writing about David Cassidy ? Of course it is. 1. Because we should live normal and don't panic. 2. Because David always cared and helped many in need.

David Cassidy and charities and fundrising events..So many. Always, in every decade. In the 70s when he was the most busy David never said no. 'Keep Britain Tidy', ( and Keep Australia Beautiful) The Special Olympics. AIDS benefit concerts in the 80s. And his Golf Tournament and Alzheimer's charities, and so many things he did anonymously. 

David Bridger : 'It was a time (in the 70s) when it wasn't fashionable in the rock and roll world to lend your name to anything that was establishment. (..) I don't know how he found time for everything.'

So 'Message To The World' a song wrote by David and his wife, Sue Shifrin, released for the first time in 1990..

And later they recorded updated version of that song to help the Kosovo refugee children. The war in Kosovo started on February 28, 1998 and lasted until June 1999.

 Sue Shifrin : 'The lyrics is about a person who is in a war in a place where they were being forgotten. (..) We donated the song to War Child USA to sell online to rise money to help kids who were victims of the heinous treatment of the civilians of Kosovo.(..) David recorded 'a guide vocal', the lead vocal that would guide the other thousands of voices of celebrities and ordinary Americans that we wanted on the record..'

It was done using The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, a mobile recording studio.. Sue again : 'At the Woodstock revival festival. we had almost 100 000 people singing on this song. (..) We raised a lot of money and I'm really proud of that.' (David Cassidy : Could It Be Forever?, 2007)


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