The Partridge Family.

Every day with my first morning coffee I read new articles I got on my email. From Google. That's an important part of my daily job for our website. I read everything what is written about DC or TPF. When there is sth interesting I send it to our webmaster to decide what to do with it. And actually there is a lot of info everyday.

Sometimes DC or TPF are just mentioned in articles on completely different topics, but anyway I read everything. And today morning I've read a transcript from the conversation on contemporary tv programmes (also reality) for kids, and in one place someone said : 'In the 70s kids only watched (or had) shows like  The Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family. And they were all false. None of them was real life.'

All false..Let's see this fragment from TPF.

Of course I watched TPF just a few years ago, being very adult and a mother myself. But that article's made me think about what I liked watching as a kid.

Poland was a communist country so we didn't have many foreign tv shows for kids (I remember an English one showed on our tv, about kids and a dragon from space, I loved it , maybe someone knows the title?), anyway we had a lot of great own tv films for kids. And this one was absolutely my number 1, about boys who wanted to play football (made in 1969)..It was real because it was filmed in Warsaw (and I remember every single building from that opening scene) , and some of the problems they had at school and with grown ups were from real life, but of course they had a lot of adventures and everything ended fine..Is it so bad..?

I loved it. But let's return to The Partridge Family. Of course it wasn't real..The family led a normal life by day (school, chores, pets), but was a popular band in the evenings and on weekends. Keith had long hair, but he was a good boy, no cigarettes, no alcohol, no slamming of the doors..words, no sex..(and we know what DC did as a teen), yes, no such problems..but not everything was false. It's a known fact that the writers spent time at Shirley Jones' home to get some script ideas, like for that episode when Danny was caught stealing or when Tracey and Chris run from home.

Shirley was a great mother, in real life and on the show. She talked with her children, defended them but also disciplined and educated her kids. So many young viewers wanted to have such a mother, wanted to be in such a family. Several times Shirley Jones found teenagers on her lawn, kids who had come from afar, often hitchhiking and without money, And she had to explain them gently that it was only a tv show and helped them get back home..

.And when I was a kid I had a hamster too


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