David Cassidy a Songwriter. 'Ricky's Tune'


There are some reasons I'm writing about that song today (again). Also because that my dog is 17 years old, with many heatlh issues, and I know that not many days left..

But the main reason is the song itself. When 'Cherish' was released David told in newspapers articles that he'd written 'Ricky's Tune' with his dog in mind .DC : 'Ricky's Tune is my only composition on the album. I recorded it not because it's a particulary good song, but because it's dedicated to a dog I used to have. The dog died. It was the first time I'd written something alone.' (Hit Parader Magazine, November 1972)

When in late 1969 David with his school friend Sam Hyman rented a small house at Laurel Canyon, they moved there with two dogs : David's dog - Sam, and Sam's dog - Hashish. DC raised Sam from a puppy. He changed his name to Ricky, because of that other Sam on the house. They were real friends, a boy and his dog, who was much more than just a companion. The death of this dog ( after a fight) was a huge blow for David..


In his autobiography DC wrote about that song :'I wrote it in about five minutes the day before I was about to go on tour. 'Ricky's Tune' is about a wonderful, sad, lost boy who's saying goodbye to his dog. The dog is metaphor; it was about saying goodbye to a relationship that I couldn't have (..) The song just fell out of me.(.) I got a few musicians together, went in this little studio and played guitar and sang the demo. Alas, the tape no longer exists.' What a shame..

It's something I've found recently..Maybe that guy doesn't know much about DC, but he made this video in November 2017, and he was obviously moved when he said  - 'great, late David Cassidy'.


I listend to "Ricky's Tune' for the first time just a few years ago when I knew very little about DC. I think I even didn't know who that Ricky was or that DC was so young writing it, and that he regarded himself very immature at the time. But to my adult ears the lyrics to that song were very mature. And the way he sang it - tenderness, sadness, regret but also coming to terms with what must happen. It's  amazing how  using simple means, short sentences David achieved that effect ..'I let you down but I just cannot stay..'



And that pic and the dog..He is one of the thousands who fled Ukraine with their owners. After 3 or 4 days a lot of them get there, to one of the Warsaw's railway stations. They are looking for a shelter, food and know how, many of the refugees never been abroad before..I can tell you a lot of stories, but you watch tv in your countries, and I also think that we Poles don't do anything special, we just keep helping our neighbours. Anyway the photo was taken yesterday at that train station where everyday hundreds of volunteers (including my son-in-law) help refugees..I hope they will return home. 


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