Weekend At Wembley


After my last blog on the DC tv biopic, my very good FB friend Laurie Eby wrote :' the documentary didn't do him any favors'. I think she's meant 'The Last Session'. We've discussed it a few times. Anyway, it's made me think about documentries on DC we have. And  in my opinion, taking into account circumstances, we are lucky that we have a few quite good ones, even if they mainly concern the 70s, David as a teen idol. Today I want to write about :

Weekend At Wembley

An amazing doc about those 3 crazy days when in March 1973, David Cassidy performed in London, made for the BBC series called 'This Week', It was aired March 22, 1973. I'm not sure we have a whole film, anyway it's a testimony of what a huge star David Cassidy was and what madness surrounded him. It's  also a proof of what a lot of journalists wrote at the time. That David looked like a teen but was very smart, very aware of what was going on, and he talked like a 30 year old. 

That interview at the Dorchester is very significant. When Peter Taylor asked about DC's opinion that his concerts were a kind of sexual experience for the audience, David admitted that it was also for him, that he was aware, but there was always a line he wouldn't cross..

And one question was the most interesting : 'Don't you worry that you may arouse in the very young audience emotions that they are completely incapable of understanding?'. And for a moment DC turned his head, but his answer was very sure..'No, because I don't believe the audience is not capable of understanding..'


In that priceless recording we can see David Hamilton and his famous introduction, 'Give me a D! Give me an A!..by the time he got to the end, the excitement and the screaming was just unbeveliable, David Cassidy prepearing for a gig .. David singing 'I Am a Clown', sitting on a stage, it's so moving..the star and his fans together, sharing something beyond words..something that only us, his fans could understand.


It's only difficult to come to terms with the fact that it was nearly 50 years ago..

And David  after the concert, escaping his audience. We know that fans knew exactly where DC was, because of the lights of the recording crew in that van. We can see how he was tired, what an emotional and physical challenge every concert was for him. He was so exhausted. In his book DC wrote : 'I was skinny to begin with, but I must have lost three or four pounds every time I went out on stage in those days.' (David Cassidy : Could It Be Forever?, 2007)

We can see that he was also ..scared .When asked about it he said that it was 'an occupational hazard'. But it's obvious he was afraid..


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