A Biography. For And Against

A song first. Someone wrote in comment : ' A voice that should have been heard and appreciated so much more.' Absolutely.


I've got a lot of feedback after my yesterday's blog called 'Do We Need A David Cassidy's Biography'. Thank you so much for your comments, they are food for thought for me and a valuable lesson. First of all I want to write that this discussion is purely academic.

I think I haven't been precise with this word, 'biography'. but I can't think about other one. An encyclopedia ? A lexicon ? What I'd like to read is more a book of the David's achivements together with his biography. The most important things (biography), but nevertheless. An attempt to asses his personality,  his career and his music. 


So why and for whom? And what ?

1. For fans. Because in spite that we write every day about DC, there are still fans who don't know  much about his career and his life. Even die hard fans since 1972, like my friend C. who was so surprised learning from my blog that 'Cherish' was a cover (and How Can I Be Sure and Daydreamer too).

Not a day goes by without comments starting with : 'Thank you. I've had no idea..', or 'I've never known this.'. And DC published his second book in 2007. So he didn't write about 'Ruby And The Rockits' or 'CSI'. The last album he wrote about was 'A Touch Of Blue'..And I think that DC was too modest and much more should be written about his charity work..That kind of info, everything in one place.

2. For no fans. That's obvious. For those interested in the history of music, pop culture, those who only heard about David Cassidy, a teen idol.

3. I wish in such a book we had evaluation of his music (if I can put it this way). Something more than 'this song is amazing' thing. Who influenced him,  his place in the history of music. Something very objective.

4. And of course such a book would be impossible without writing about the David's life. His strong and weak points. Because it was the reason for a lot of his career choices. But no gossip, no speculations. Respect.

When I was watching 'Elvis' movie one thing immediately struck me. That it was possible to make a great biopic about an artist with respect, without showing some things people knew about of course, but they were not important so how great his music was.


And the LINK



  1. I was a fan from his beginning. Got to see him in Seattle twice. So talented and so handsome! Lot of good memories.

    1. I'm so happy that you were able to see David in Seattle twice! I was so blessed to see him in "Joseph" in New York twice! Those were 2 of the happiest days of my life! Yes, so talented and handsome! I was SO happy to see him in person, and to hear him sing from his mouth to my ears (even though hearing his voice from the computer is nice too!)!

  2. Hi Weronika, I think that a biography about David would be really great, especially one with a lot of nice pictures of him! I understand that writing a book is a really big project, especially for those who have never done this. I would like to encourage anyone who knew David, to write a book about him (with pictures if possible), if they can. Thank you so much again for writing such a wonderful blog about David, with such great pictures and videos, too!

  3. This is a wonderful idea. Going through his his and lows in a book. You are right, there are so many who people out there that have no idea hoe musically talented he was. It wasn't all TPF. People need to discover his music after TPF. I know your not writing your blogs any longer, but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy them. Thank you... :-)

    1. Thank you Valerie, your support is so appreciate ❤️Maybe one day I'll return to my blog, all the time a lot of things happen in our small world of DC fans, but now the book is what on my mind, as always I follow David , I mean I write and think what he would have thought about it. I don't want him to stay just his young image forever, that eternal, beautiful boy, but want to find the real man..I hope the book will be good, must be.


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