Do We Need A David Cassidy's Biography?

A new one. But first let me tell you how I'm happy that we've achived more than 900 signatures. Our PETITION. And when I write 'our' I mean that this is our common cause, all the David's fans. The London Music Walk Of Fame. Maybe that number doesn't look impressive, but there is so much work behind it, and the fans write wonderful and moving comments. We are doing great. Long Live Cass! 

So do we need a new David Cassidy's biography? We have quite a lot of the old ones. The first were written in the early 70s. James Gregory who knew DC as a teenager wrote 'The David Cassidy Story' in 1973, and Carol Deck wrote her DC's biography even earlier. Of course countless teen mags printed his biography many times with a lot of details. In which hospital he was born, and the name of the doctor, the exact time of the removal of his gall bladder.. everything. 

In 1974 DC thought for a while about writing an autobiography. As we know it happened at last in 1994, and that book wrote with Chipp Deffaa's help is an amazing and fascinating read. Sex, drugs and rock & roll.  It was a great bestseller and DC gave countless interviews about 'C'mon Get Happy. Fear And Loathing on The Partridge Family Bus..'

In 2007 he published another one, 'Could It Be Forever?'. Also popular but not so good as the first one, much less sincere. I appreciate we got the backgrounds on many songs, and other people's memories about David, the members of his family, his friends and the people he worked with. But this is a kind of career biography not a book about David Cassidy, the real man.

After he died we got Louise Poynton's 'Cherish : David Cassidy - A Legacy of Love'. It's an award winning finalist in the American  Book  Fest Best Books Awards 2020. The fans from all over the world memories..David Cassidy so loved and appreciated by so many. His incredible talent, the music he left, but also David the man as he was, his great heart, generosity and compassion, love and light. The book is so beautiful, as someone wrote 'inside and out'. 

Of course it was written by the fans in love with David. And as much as I know why this book is so needed and important, this is not a biography. The question is, do we need an objective, honest book about that complex man, David Cassidy..

The link to the Petition


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