He Always Kept Me Forever 15..

This is something I appreciate a lot. That because of David Cassidy and my blog, I 'meet' so many wonderful people. Some of them also in person, like my friend B., whom I visited in  May this year (Wiltshire), or Diane, who showed me 'her' Cambridge. I can also say something about Luton because of Doreen. And there are many more amazing people. We, David's fans are like family, (and we quarrel too).

Some fans write comments about my blogs and many times their words are so moving or stick in my head..But the song first, I think it suits today's blog the best


Seena Rubinstein wrote : 'We grew up with David and for a time grew older with David. We will never experience being old with David. He always kept me forever 15.'.  Yes. So true. She's found such right words for our sorrow and our gratitude for him. I didn't grow up with David, but watching old videos and his pics, listening to his music, I can imagine, I know how it was..Waiting for a new Partridge Family episode, for a new song. A young girl in love..


Yes, in a way he still keeps us young at hearts. He was a great singer, a great interpreter, that's a reason his voice, the lyrics of his songs are resonate so much with our feelings, emotions, our experiences. I've heard so many songs about loneliness and the end of love, but you can't imagine how I was moved listening to this song for the first time a few years ago. Exactly how it was..that's what I felt once. I thought this memory was buried somewhere deep inside me, long forgotten, but because of David's singing..After listening to that song I became a die hard fan.


And it's such a shame 'we will never experience being old with David'. What he would sing now, what he had to say to us about being old..

Please SIGN THE PETITION. Long Live Cass..



  1. Hi Weronika, I really like the title, "He always kept me forever 15..." I agree! I would like to share that he ALWAYS keeps me young in my heart. Even though life (and getting older) get us down, we are all so blessed to have David! When I get upset, worried, angry, etc., all I have to do is see one of the many pictures of him smiling, or his videos, and I feel happy again! I feel like he was always our friend, and I believe that he will always love and care for us. When I see him smiling at us (there are also some pictures of him looking at us, as if he wants us to tell him about everything that upsets us. I love these pictures of him too), I feel like that is his way of saying that everything is going to be OK.
    Since David can no longer make any more CD's, etc., I believe that since he used to love to sing and play the guitar so much, I believe that he is still singing to us. I always also hear him singing to us in the other songs on the radio that we love, that he never recorded or sang. I have felt this way ever since I became his fan.
    When I was in my teens, I had 2 pen pal David friends, who I have met and enjoyed getting together with. One of them passed away, and I sadly lost touch with the other one. I have tried to find her, but I still cannot.
    Since David passed away, I feel that he is still with us in Spirit. Also, since then, you have started writing this blog (thank you so much again!), and so many David Facebook groups came along. I thank God and David for becoming friends with you and so many other David fans! Even though we have never met, we are still friends to share with. We all have one wonderful thing in common, David! Thank you all again for being David fans, and for all that you have done and do for David! God bless you all.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Judy. I believe he is with us..somehow. He still brings love and light and hope..Big hug xxx


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