I'll Never Get Over You / Tony Romeo

It's hard to believe but I've never written about that song. Of course I watched many times DC singing it on the episode from Season 4, called 'Hate Thy Neighbor'. Never really listened to it, just admiring David's smile and his wonderful, long hair..and his amazing fabulous sweet voice..I would follow this voice everywhere..'I'll never, never get over you..'


And it started with a huge crisis I had yesterday regarding my blog and in general being a fan. I think each and all of us, the fans who care about the David Cassidy's legacy have from time to time. Does it make sense, who really needs it ? Those videos or blogs or whatever. For example THE PETITION. London Music Walk Of Fame. Everthing is going so slow. Is it possible that after a few months only 1015 people have signed ? And they are not only fans. Even my nephew signed it, and it's really something, I'm really impressed and grateful (he is 22 and thinks David was a girl). Of course it's not about the family signing the petition, but David's fans. So many still listen to his music. Why not more fans signed??

Another great song from 'Bulletin Board'. 'And I couldn't help but sing along..' So true


So I had that crisis and decided to find an inspiration in DC's music. And I started from the beginning. ITILY. I was listening and reading some reviews..btw I'd like to know at last when ITILY single was released. August 22 1970 - Wikipedia, October - The DC Official Website. In my opinion August is correct, it took some time the song entered Billboard Hot 100 (October 4th, 1970)


This is absolutely amazing how being so young he understood so well what the song was about. David Cassidy: ' Lyrically, ITILY deals with that moment in our lives when we're faced with the fear of commitment, the obsession with love, the obsession with not being alone, not being lonely, not being abandoned, having a partner. It's saying, I'm so afraid of the commitment. I'm afraid to say I don't know what it's all about..' (David Cassidy : Could It Be Forever? , 2007)

And at last I read the review wrote by Howard Pattow for comongethappy.com : " I'll Never Get Over You'. Tony Romeo's musical sequel to ITILY is every bit the Partridge classic is deserves to be.". And at last I listened to this song properly and fell in love with it..




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