In My Life / John Lennon, Paul McCartney

It's  still very hot, but days much shorter and we all are waiting for autumn. And the autumn (or fall as DC'd have said) makes me think about  another November 21st, that day approaching so fast..5 years. That's a lot of time.

What we managed to do for his legacy..Why we can't work together, be united, we the DC's fans. Not so many of us left. What can we do to make this day special.. And while Ive been wondering I got a ready entry from my FB friend, Pauline Tombs. It seems she's been thinking about the same as me.. 

 Let's first listen to the The Beatles' 'In My Life', that wonderful song loved and still love by millions all over the world. The song so important for David Cassidy, all his life.

Pauline Tombs :

We have a David Cassidy connection with the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral with a brick on the Peoples Path, laid for David's love of the Beatles, John Lennon, Blood Brothers and his performing in the City too!

There has been an exhibition there, called Being Human, and the focus is on:

Connection, Creativity, Identity, Reflection

I thought over the last few days how these sit in our lives and how they have impacted in the world of David Cassidy and groups, a place you would expect to feel the warmth and love of his wish of Love and Light and Making a difference but so often not the case!

David Cassidy had made a difference he would never have imagined since the 21st of November 2017. Just on a lighter side of these words, which will also as individuals leave us with some food for thought

The love for David Cassidy has connected a world of people together and for some especially through the lockdown, likely made a difference to a feeling of isolation

The love for David Cassidy has given many a drive to engage with others to make things happen in tributes

The love for David Cassidy be it right or wrong has I feel in the world of technology allowed others to be someone else, when DC only wanted to be him and share of himself with love

The love for David Cassidy and his wishes, I feel should be reflective of him in anything we do, the person he was and his values

But of course as individuals these words to focus on are much, much deeper but there they are and something to be thought about as we honour David Cassidy respectufully and remember it's about him with Love...


  1. I have always enjoyed the Beatles' music. I'm glad that David did too, and that he became such great friends with John Lennon. I really love seeing and hearing David sing their songs. I love the way he sings them to us, his fans. It is as if he wants to hug us all individually. This is so touching to me. After he finishes the song, I also love the way he looks up and says, "Thank you, John," etc.


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