David As David Greeley and a 'Technican In Hamburg'

'The Night the City Screamed' was first aired on December 14, 1980, 42 years ago. On ABC.

While searching for some info I looked at the DC profile on IMDb. Nice David's pic and those dates 1950-2017. Will I ever get used to it..This is so strange, I mean we know that DC is dead, but..

Anyway, what a surprise, nothing important, but do you know that David has an uncredited role in a film from 1975 called 'Rosebud'. With Peter O'Toole, a film about terrorism, also with young Isabelle Hupert and Kim Cattrall (that was her debut, she was just 19). It seems DC appeared there as a 'Technican in Hamburg'. There is a trailer on IMDb, rather awful, and a review ('the film is horrible'). And one other surprise, the soundtrack consisted of a song, wrote by the DC's friend Harry Nilsson and sang by..Kim.I wonder if anyone knew something about it. 

But let's return to 'The Night The City Screamed'. A lot of familiar names. Mel Swope, The Partridge Family, David Cassidy-Man Undercover and Police Story's producer. he also directed 3 The Partridge Family's episodes. Larry Brody who wrote Police Story and created Man Undercover. And of course Vic Tayback, very known film and tv actor, 3 times on TPF. And Raymond Burr, he met very young David on the set of Ironside. Hollywood village, everybody knew each other..

'The Night The City Screamed'. The DC's role wasn't very important, he wasn't even mention in the promo.


It was rather an ambitious tv movie, recreating what had happened just 3 years previously in New York, when on July 13, 1977 all the power in NY went out. The city stayed dark for 25 hours, there were a lot of looting and vandalism, and more than 1000 cases of arson. We have the film on the website, but I prefer watching it on YT. I just love the comments, so different opinions. I think the film is..of course old, that world doesn't exist anymore, but it's not bad, good acting, and David..not a teen idol anymore, but of course so gorgeous, he always was, young or old, with or without mustache. He did what he could with his role. At the time he needed any work..





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