'And If Someone Asked Me..'

 '..what I needed to count on...to make me as happy as I've ever been..


and if someone asked me, yes, it was a masterpiece. Tony Romeo's and David's. From the first DC solo album, 'Cherish', in March 1972, number 15 on the Billboard 200, an amazing achievement for a debut. Of course David already was a TV star and a recording artist, a teen idol, but this album and the singles from it became hits also on the Adult Contemporary chart. 

From the AllMusic's review : "There is a maturity there that many of his previous songs lacked (..) Overall, ‘Cherish’ is an admirable first fine out and, above all, continues to display the vocalist theatrical sensibilities performance style’ "

'Cherish' is an outstanding album, the 70's pop classic, and there are only great songs on it..btw it's wonderful that on YT we also have videos without pics, just music.

Let's return to 'Being Together'. In David, Tony Romeo found the best performer for his romantic love songs. There was an age difference, Tony was born on Christmas Day in 1938, but they became friends. David Cassidy wrote about Tony Romeo : 'He was one of the great lyrical and musical forces of the era - unique and very special. Tony and I became friends. (...) Tony was a romantic and he painted pictures with every line.' (David Cassidy : Could It Be Forever?, 2007, p.85)

Songs Tony Romeo wrote or co-wrote for TPF .‘As Long As There Is You’,‘ Hello, Hello’ (with W.Farrell) ‘I Think I Love You’, ‘If You Ever Go’ (with W.Farrell), ‘I’ll Never Get Over You’ ,‘It Means I’m In Love With You’, ‘It’s One Of Those Nights’, ‘I Would Have Loved You Anyway’, ‘Morning Rider On The Road’, ‘My Christmas Card To You’, ‘Point Me In The Direction Of Albuquerque’, ‘Summer Days’, ‘You Are Always On My Mind’,‘You Don’t Have To Tell Me’, ‘That’ll Be The Day’, ‘Together We’re Better (with Ken Jacobson). For David - 'Sing Me' and 'You Are The One'.


And 'Being Together'? It's so special for me. My blog's title is Being Together. And recently, still feeling  so emotional after publishing my book on the blog, while driving, I started to cry when I heard David singing :

'And if someone asked me

What I needed to count on

To make me as happy as I've ever been

It would be our being together again'

Tony Romeo died of heart attack on June 23, 1995. He was 56 years old


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