David Cassidy (Musician)

I got it on Google alerts a few days ago. A post or an entry of a blog, or from a page, anyway it was called 'A Comprehensive Compilation Of Corvettes With Celebrity Owners'. 

There were so many pics, on each a Corvette and an its owner, a caption under each photo, e.g 'Paul Newman (Actor), and I started wondering what I was going to find under the DC pic..'Teen Idol', 'Pop Icon' or maybe 'Keith Partridge' (joking). 

David Cassidy once said, "It seemed that whenever I'd read my name, it would be David 'former idol sex symbol' Cassidy. I used to that. Well, I guess I'm going to have to do something more significant in my life, like David 'convicted felon' Cassidy, or something. (February 1995).


There were the 1st generation Corvettes (and their owners), the 2nd..at last the 3rd. And David and that fabulous car he could use while on the show. And such a nice surprise. 'David Cassidy (Musician). Wow. A small thing, I know, but it's made me smile. Not actor or singer, but musician. He was a musician. Of course first of all a wonderful singer, but so much more. Gerry Beckley, 'David is across the board; he's capable of doing lyrics and music. he's a great piano player, a good guitar player, a nice lyricist and he's got a great voice.' (David Cassidy: Could It Be Forever?, 2007, p.326)

And he was a very good drummer..


And it's not everything of course. He was also a producer. It's amazing how fast he could learn, yes he had great teachers, but the best teachers can't help when there is no talent and intelligence. Hard work and commitment. And love.


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