Daydream. Jazz Version

Today everybody congratulate David's son, Beau, on his engagement to his longtime girlfriend, Stephanie. Somehow my interest in DC doesn't concern private life of members of his family. Of course I wish him the best, we know how David loved Beau, and I can also imagine that it wasn't easy to be DC's only son. For many, many reasons. It's great that Beau has found his own way and he looks so happy. Anyway when I've read about his engagement I thought about this song.

I've been searching for something on YT today and came across the video called 'David Cassidy Daydream Jazz Version', and on that channel we can also find David's songs without music, only his vocals. 

We don't have new songs so we do what we can with the old ones. John Gomolka has altered the original tracks of some The Partridge Family's songs to better reflect David's true voice, and I think the results he's got are very interesting. I'm not so convinced about the versions limited only to DC vocal, I don't know what to think about them.. but I really like that jazz version of 'Daydream'.

It's really nice, I agree with the opinion from the comments that David's version from 'Dreams Are Nuthin' More Than Wishes' was a little bit over produced. 

And one more video which really has brightened my day. I haven't seen it for some time, so wonderful. Hard to imagine, but it was recorded 30 years ago. We love you Mat Gurman, forever grateful for this one.


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