Cassidy Live! and Crossword Puzzle

I usually have a new entry ready in my head before I start writing it down. But sometimes it's completely different from what I have planned. Yesterday I started writing an entry called 'Things We Know About DC', but somehow it's changed into a blog about..Cardiff and the albums I've bought there.

When I was in Cardiff in September, my friend B. took me to Kellys Records at the balcony of Cardiff Market, it was really something. It's an independent record store founded in 1969 and I have never seen before so many vinyls in one place. It was like turning back time really, especially that there were a lot of young people browsing, and the 70s fashion is in vogue again.. Amazing. I bought Cassidy Live! with a poster, and Crossword Puzzle. Both in excellent condition. It was such a joy to listen to them after returning home, and I put a folded poster on my bedroom's wall.

I was in Cardiff almost 2 months ago and since then, from time to time, me and B. have been talking about 'Crossword Puzzle'. B. bought that album in the 70s, she was 12 years old, in love with David Cassidy and of course she loved all the songs. 

And I first listened to it in 2018, a middle aged woman who always preferred rock and blues to pop, and what's more important I didn't grow with David and his music, like B. and millions of others who became fans in the 70s. I first got to know DC's solo albums, and only later The Partridge Family's music, so I've had completely different perspective. From the start I loved 'It's A Long Way to Heaven', 'As Long As There's You', 'Sunshine' and 'It Sounds Like You're Saying Hello'. What a shame that only a short fragment of that last song was on the show.

I liked 'It's You' and we've agreed that 'Let Your Love Go' was a mistake (an awful one). But the rest..they are not my favourite Partridge Family's songs and I bet they weren't David's either. But I've promised B. to give those songs a try from time to time. And yes, David's voice could turn any song in something really special..


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