David Cassidy In Concert

I'm watching today one of the recent David Cassidy Official Website's update. David Cassidy playing concert at Seaport World Trade Center in Boston MA. It was on October 29, 2011. DC was the same age as I'm now. He looked so gorgeous, full of energy, so sexy, boyish..The women (and men) were screaming. It's so extremly moving watching it just a few days before November21, I have to take breaks, I can't watch it at one go. So emotional. Thank you Lucio and other fans for this wonderful video. And pics.


The beginning of that concert is breathtaking and captivaiting, I simply can't find words. Sensational. C'mon Get Happy and Crossroads. This is a classic blues-rock number, wrote in 1937, and Eric Clapton and Cream popularized it in the late 60s. DC loved Clapton, his music and guitar playing, and he performed that song on stage sometimes  in the 70s. And after 2010.

David Cassidy played more than 600 concerts during his career. There were big outdoor spectacular gigs for thousands of fans, but he also played for small audience, after 2000 often at casinos, at places glamorous only at the first glance, he sang for people who bought the tickets for his concert in a packet with night at the good hotel and a dinner..But he always gave everything he had. 

We have amazing audio recordings and videos on the Website. They are priceless, we owe it all to the fans, who tried to record or film David on stage from his very first concert. Or take a photograph. Now thanks to those fans we can see David at his best. Performing and making people happy.

Two great videos from the 70s. On the first one we can hear almost a rock version of 'Could It Be Forever'. 




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