I'll Leave Myself a Little Time / Steve Dossick

This is an entry about words and new/old articles on David, which have brought me a lot of joy and gladness. What a wonderful word 'gladness' is. Quite old actually, I love reading about the origin of words, and I've learnt a lot of new ones since I became David Cassidy's fan.

Everything is easy for those from the English speaking countries, but I started learning English at high school, just 2 hours a week, very basic, and we didn't have books or magazines in English, so everything I know I've learnt all by myself. 

And David's songs, the lyrics, it's such joy to read them especially those he wrote himself. He didn't need many words to describe his feelings or tell a story in a song. 'Rot all day in the sun but just soon as the evening come kiss our ladies goodbye we ain't gonna make it home tonight boys the drinks are on me..' This is just an extraordinary song.


Let's return to 'gladness', I've heard this word for the first time watching the episode of The Partridge Family. 'The Sound Of Money'. Season 1, episode 2, first aired October 2, 1970. This is not a typical TPF's music scene, instead we can experience 2 minutes of perfect joy and gladness watching the Partridges and great Harry Morgan. David is not the most important, but that moment in the park with Susan is unforgettable. And last but not least David singing in his magical voice this wonderful, charming song. Bliss.


The articles at last. Got yesterday from my dear friend B. Nothing new, but I appreciate every single new/old article or a note, it's good to have a confirmation of some fact from various sources. So I got yesterday a digital copy of Liverpool Echo from March 22, 1973, which was very interesting to read, and with a note about DC, that he was taken ill and had to cancel his lunch at House of Commons with two important officials. 

The same information appeared also in The Times and Daily Mirror. And we know (this time El Paso Harald Post) that at the same time he was healthy enough for a date with Sue. I really don't know why David Cassidy wrote in his book that it was the Queen he didn't want to meet..

I'll write about other articles next time.


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