'The Secret Of David's Success'

First the song. At the beginning of this video visibly moved David Cassidy says that it was his best song and it was recorded 22 years ago (actually 23). 

On this Tuesday we will celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the biggest success of his career. The first song he ever recorded became number 1 in the US. Many years later it was the last song he ever performed live, in March 2017.

David Cassidy singing 'I Think I Love You' on This Is Your Life.


I've been browsing today 'David Cassidy Annual 1975'. Interesting, a book published in 1974 for the UK market. Great quality, printed in Netherlands actually. It's a pity that we don't know the circulation of it. With a letter from David, how he likes London and first of all his British fans. Quizzes, games, comics (with DC of course),  recipes (for a surprise party for David!) some serious articles (with priceless tips), 'How David Wants You To Look..' or 'Are You David's Kind of Girl?'. Great editing, careful and interesting, very good paper and very nice photographs. 

'I Think I Love You' again. David Cassidy with his fans..


But not everything in DC Annual 1975 is about loving David. There is an article 'How I've Changed', with fragments of interviews, or 'David The All American Boy' with some info on history and geography of West Orange and LA. 

And in spite of myself I've been genuinely moved by the article called 'The Secret of David's Success'. Why he has become the biggest superstar? 

First - Looks. 'That gorgeous smile, that lovely hair, that twinkle in his eyes, and that slim, trim, just right build..let's face it, when they made David, they threw away the mould!' Very well said !


But not only looks. 

Kindness, He's a kind human being who genuinely care about others.."
Talent, 'David's got a double store of talent..not only is he a fabulous singer, but he's a super actor as well."
Ambition, "What's needed is drive, ambition, stick-to-itiveness and a commitment to working hard in order to achieve success. David has all those qualities."
Laughter, "David has never lost his sense of humour. (..) And when David laughs, it's catching!"
Courage,"It takes a lot of courage to plunge into the turmoil of the entertainment world..and to hang in there when times goes rough.."
Personality,"David is a guy who makes other people feel good- so naturally they like to have him around.(..) He's confident but at the same time sensitive to another's needs, and that's an unbeatable combination."
YOU, "Yes, you're the best thing David's got going for him.(..) Knowing that you're there, knowing that you want him to go on making records, is what has given David the strength to climb to the top. He's depending on you.."


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