A Story Without A Title. An Introduction.

I've just returned from my holiday. I've had a wonderful time, and also while in Turkey had an idea for another fan fiction story. 

Let's start with the song I listened to a few times while walking on the beach.


I saw this pic a few weeks ago ; David Cassidy and Geraldo Rivera on 'Good Night America' on July 4, 1974. A black and white pic, much more interesting than those colour screenshots we have on the David Cassidy Official Website. 

This interview  has always fascinated me. 'Good Night America', hosted by Geraldo Rivera wasn't just a talk show dealing with celebrities. And Geraldo Rivera wasn't an ordinary host. 7 years older than David, like him born in New York, very well educated (he is also an attorney), he hosted that newsmagazine (and was its the executive producer) since 1973. The program tackled controversial topics including marijuana usage and Vietnam War draft. 

It's good to know those facts, they let appreciate and understand the meaning of David Cassidy's appearance on this particular program. And at this particular moment of his life and career.

I've watched again the interview, and thought about DC's attitude, his openness but also about his reserve and caution, his body language was very interesting. 

I know that such tv conversations have scripts, but I think DC could say what he wanted, probably just knew the questions Geraldo Rivera was to ask. But of course I don't know how it really was. 


Great interview. He dealt with all those difficult questions. About the lost money or what he thought about opinions that his career had peaked. There was that one moment I love the most. When Rivera seemed as though he wanted David to say something disrespectful about his young fans. The only one moment DC was a little bit irritated. He said he got so much energy from his fans and the youngsters were sincere. They didn't pretend like adults when they liked someone..

'How Can I Be Sure'. I love this version from 'Cassidy Live!' and that video is really nice.


Hope to finish the story soon. Also that it will be good enough to post it. And why 'A Story Without A Title' ? I tried but I haven't found a good title, so borrowed it from Anton Chekhov (he wrote 'A Story Without a Title' in the 19 century).


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