Dreams Are Nuthin' More Than Wishes

What a great title it was for the David Cassidy's first, really own, solo album. 

I had no idea about this record in the 70s, and when I first listened to it, I think it was before he died, I had some troubles to understand the title. 

It's not that we don't have those two words in Polish, one for 'wish', and another for 'dream', but I had to write it down for myself (don't laugh), that, "a wish is something you want to happen in the future and a dream is something you want to see yourself doing in the future, and your wish may be your dream". 

Looks complicated, but there is a difference, words are important, I like learning about meaning and origin of them. David borrowed that title from one of his favourite artist (and a friend), Harry Nilsson.


My dreams and wishes for 2024. My biggest dream is a new David's song. It's not impossible, maybe Meryl has something, or Sue, they were writing songs together for 4 or 5 years, not everything was released of course. It's really sad or even annoying (can't find the right word) that we know some songs just by sheer coincidence. If David had played something else on that show, let's say 'Junked Heart Blues' (it was after 'Gettin' It In The Street' recording), we would have never heard him singing it. There would be only Gerry Beckley's short remark about that song in David's autobiography.


Another such gem is 'Crazy Over You', and of course there are unreleased songs from Bell, and unreleased live songs. Yes, maybe one day.

I used to dream that the world would rediscover David Cassidy, fell in love with him and his music once again. It's more in the category of miracle, I don't think it's possible. And once my mum, who knows a little bit about DC, (she is a great admirer of Allison Pearson's books, so she's read 'I Think I Love You'), so once when I told her a little bit how DC was underestimated, she's told me something what at first made me laugh. She said,'This is the first time I've heard that you love what everyone likes. He wasn't for everybody.'. Yes, so true. The next song is for my mum who has seen this video a few times.


In 2024 I would really like to go to New York, West Orange and Saratoga Springs.

Wishing you a Very Happy New Year, 2024.


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