'David Cassidy My Idol And My Favourite Artist'

Someone wrote this statement on David Cassidy Group yesterday. Nothing more, not a pic, just those words. And at first it has made me smile, it was a little bit naive and who knows how old this fan was. But it's so true and I've added a comment.'The same'. 

It's not that I only listen to David's songs, I love music, different kinds, but only David's voice can make the trick (if I can put it this way), it makes me feel better or emotional, nostalgic. So yes, he is my favourite singer. Warms my soul..


The fan has written, 'my favourite artist', maybe it's meant just my favourite singer, I don't know, DC was much more than just a singer. He was an artist, in his work and in his life. I've been thinking about it watching the newest update on the David Cassidy Official Website. DC taking part in The American Theatre Wing "Working in the theatre seminar'. September 1993, when DC was performing in 'Blood Brothers' on Broadway.

This video doesn't have many 'likes', and I wonder how many fans watched it. Of course I understand, it's long, watching it requires a good knowledge of English and some patience, DC was one of the performers, one of the invited guests. In audience there were students and people interested in the theatre. That seminar wasn't for random people. But it's worth watching it very carefully and see a different face of David Cassidy.


What does it mean being an actor..Why commitment, responsibility and learning are the key words for a good performer. Work in the theatre. An actor and his audience, to what extent does the spectator influence the actor in the theatre. How long does it take to get into the role..What it's like to replace someone who played a character. The acting process. 

Erin Sullivan, my FB friend, has written in her comment, 'What a valuable and rare piece to have in DC collection.' Very well said. Watching David in conversation with other performers (among them was also Petula Clark) is an amazing experience. I have an impression that being invited was very important for him, and like no other guest, he was very aware of the audience. It was a great opportunity to share his viewes on acting with people who could really understand him. He was fascinating, the things he said and the way he said, gesticulation..his hands also took part in this amazing conversation.

When he was listening to other guests he kept playing with his crest ring, maybe playing is not the right word, but you know what I mean. What a shame, a tragedy really, that a few years later  someone stolen it. David lost not only the last link connecting him with his father, but something more. 

Something completely irreplaceable.


The pic, The David Cassidy Official Website


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