"Not A Great Deal Has Been Heard Of David Since.."

I'm still reading the articles posted on the website on April 12.

The first one from the 80s, is actually an article about Shaun and his life after teen idol fame. Shaun Cassidy, at the time in his early 20s, was already a married man with a step daughter. He was working hard for another career. 
David was mentioned too by the author of that article. "David - instant idol to instant ex-star all in the span in 5 years.". And that David Cassidy-Man Undercover didn't work out, and "not a great deal has been heard of David since". 

Let's listen to one of the songs recorded by DC in the late 70s, this project didn't work out either.


In 1981 DC was written about again, even a lot, because of his role in 'Little Johnny Jones'. He gave many press interviews and always was asked about his teen idol experience. He said, "It's a horrendous existence going from cars to back kitchen elevators, decoys, being thrown into blankets. It's awful. Someday I'd like to do a short film on a day in the life of..I could paint a very realistic picture about show biz superstardom. It ain't glamorous"

Some fans came from Europe to see him on stage, and in one newspaper, on May 9, 1981 was published a pic of DC (with his stage makeup on) with his faithful German fans, Urda Voss and Tina Funk.


There are also several very interesting, serious and objective reviews of David Cassidy's performance as Little Johnny Jones. The one written by Lawrence DeVine is really worth reading. He praized David, his singing and his hard work, that he was really doing his best, everything he could, but as DeVine put it, "he (David) is moving among ghosts and shadows". The memories of James Cagney on film and Cohan himself on stage. And what's more, "in David Cassidy's case there is also around him the aura of his late father, Jack Cassidy, one of the musical theater's most raffish, brilliant actors."

"What we are seeing in 'Little Johnny Jones" is an actor with baggage he never asked for - all the unavoidable comparisons. But Cassidy, in his first major stage role, is not yet polished, savvy and skilled enough to take what the other done before and either go beyond them or somewhere fresh and different.."


We also have some interviews with David from early 80s, about plans working with his brothers, recording an album in Nashville, some pics with Meryl Tanz, and some notes about his friendship with George Michael.

In June 1985, German magazine published an interesting conversation with DC and his opinions on songs popular that year. Unfortunatelly 'One More Night' is still remembered.


I appreciate that Jane tries to publish everything, also reviews sometimes difficult for fans to read. It's because in our eyes David could do nothing wrong, was the best and a victim of the industry. In my opinion fair, objective reviews of his work are priceless. We may disagree with them, but it's always worth reading a non-fan opinion.

Angela Thomas saw David Cassidy in concert, in 1985, and she wrote in her review, "(David Cassidy) instead of developing into the kind of performer who could do justice to his highly listenable voice, seems to have stopped somewhere in the middle"

And, "occasionally there was the glimpse of the kind of performer he could be, without all the Las Vegas style falseness"



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