'Heart Of Emotion' And Amazing New David's Photographs.

Being David Cassidy's fan has always been an emotional experience. Even now, after he's gone, all the time something new appears and David makes us happy once more. We are so lucky being his fans.

And of course we love his music, his voice. I can't have enough of most of his songs. 'Heart Of Emotion' is one of them. Yesterday I got on Google Alerts a new tribute video, and normally I don't watch them, but because it was 'Heart Of Emotion'..


Oh yes..Someone has written in comment what heart of emotion means when we think of David now. Makes us happy and sad at the same time, because we still care. So true.

But first of all it's an amazing, beautiful song, absolutely special, sensual and sexy. In conversation with George Michael for Ritz magazine, published in June 1985, DC said about The Last Kiss, "It's about something very real and important that actually happened to me. Every time I sing it I keep going to the experience in order to be real for me." I think the same was with 'Heart of Emotion', written by Alan Tarney and DC

My friend, Doreen Walker, put it the best, she's said about this song, 'It feels like David is singing just for you, the listener and no one'.


June has started just wonderfully. Lanie Bray from Australia, we owe a lot to her. I don't know how she makes it but she keeps finding unbelievable photographs of David. 

And only yesterday I thought that I must have seen all DC's pics, and in the morning such a great surprise, 3 new photographs posted by Lanie.

I have no idea who has taken them, maybe Henry Diltz. Are those pics really from May 1974? David Cassidy leaving Manchester City Football Ground..He looks so young and of course we know he wore this jacket a lot in 1973 while horse riding in England and skiing in Spain, on the other hand he had much longer hair in March of 1973.

Whatever it was, it's so emotional seeing new pics of David. Thank you Lanie for sharing them with us and letting me publish them on my blog.

One more David Cassidy singing only for me..and each and all of us.


P.S. Lanie Bray has added some more info. Thank you so much. Those pics with the caption 'leaving Manchester airport" were taken by Peter Stubbs, a Scottish photographer who died in December 2023 at the age of 78


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