Remembering David Cassidy's Fans

Jacque Cardenas, a fellow fan from the US has written, 'I hope this post is okay..' Of course dear Jacque, your post has saddened me, like many others, but I'm also grateful for it. Jacque Cardenas has informed us that Kim Morgan died in January. 

Kim Morgan, as Jacque put it, was 'one of our DC sister', I prefer, 'a fellow fan', but of course it's not important, she was one of us, she was David Cassidy's fan. 

Kim Morgan was my FB friend, but not a close one, we became FB friends because in the past she quite often commented my blogs, but I haven't seen her FB posts recently. I didn't know she was unwell ..I wished her Happy Birthday in November and that was all. I even didn't notice her absence, and now I'm truly sorry because of it. And that I lost that opportunity to be a better, a virtual, but nevertheless a friend. A DC sister.

I don't know which DC's song was Kim's favourite one, but this one is playing in my head today when I think about her.

And I'm thinking about many other fans who once were active on social media and DC's groups, and suddenly disappeared, and I even can't remember their names. Of course some of them could stopped being interested in David, some maybe had more important and urgent things to do, health problems, passing of their loved ones..that's life. But some of them have died and we even don't know about that fact. 

4 years ago, in February 2021, Danny Calvagna, a fan and a wonderful lead singer of the band called 45rpm, died of Covid. He was 66. Like Kim Morgan.

There is a video on YT. 45rpm Partridge Family 50th anniversary livestream. And I'm watching it today evening and thinking about Kim and Danny and many others. Also about Bernadette. And David of course. 

Till we meet again.


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