The Last Concert


Yes, on this day, in 2017, David Cassidy played his last ever concert. 8 years ago, in the city he was born and loved, and now even the place he performed in doesn't exist anymore. It was closed in April 2018.

Very often we don't know that we are doing something for the very last time. But David Cassidy and his fans knew that this gig was probably the last. According to the website one more was planned, in June, but it was cancelled. 

Fans knew that this March gig would be the last opportunity to see once more David Cassidy on stage.

Lucio, "David made the announcement of his retirement, and suddenly BB King's became the last concert. Of course I had to be there as were hundreds of people lined up way down 42nd street in Times Square. Youngsters must be wondering which current superstar was performing this very cold March evening in the busiest section of NYC. 'Sold Out' was the replay given to anyone looking to purchase tickets and no one was willing to sell what they had even at the high prices people were willing to pay..."

David Cassidy in concert..He made millions of people so happy, those lucky ones who saw him on stage in every decade of his career. That's what he loved doing, giving and receiving. Feeling love and the connection with his fans. During his career he played more than 600 concerts, from that first one, also in March. In 1971.

He made an announcement on February 25, 2017, "I've chosen for 2017 to finish where I began and when I was born, in the city of Manhattan, in New York, at BB King's."

The Last Concert..Mark Wyckoff has written beautifully and emotionally everything about the last 2 concerts David and his band played on March 3 and March 4. Great read and we are so grateful for it. Every sentence in that long article is important. And every pic is priceless,

And Lucio, there are no words to thank him and other fans for that video. Watching David Cassidy saying goodbye to his fans..

"Thank you. For all of it. For all the decades. I don't think I do. I know I love you."


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