
Showing posts from October, 2024

'No Broken Wings Can Keep Me Down'

From 'One True Love' written by David Cassidy and Sue Shiffrin, from David's album 'Didn't You Used To Be'. released in 1992. I've been listening to this album a lot recently, somehow perfect music for this part of the year, another summer has gone, and we all are a little bit older. This is really puzzling, strange even, how this album is sad. After all, in 1992, David was still young, again successful, maybe not on the scale he dreamed about, but nevertheless. He was in a happy relationship, had a baby son, but 'Didn't You Used To Be' is very melancholic. The leitmotive is lost love and dealing with it. 'I stare into the face of despair' in 'Soul Kiss'. Even 'Somebody To Love' or 'Treat Me Like You Used To' are not happy songs either (if I can put it this way) Wonderful song and I'm so happy that fans still make new tribute videos. We all need and appreciate them. D