The Entry Number 900
Let's start with a song. I've listened to it in my car in the morning and I think it's a perfect song for celebrating the entry number 900 of my blog. It's just a number, but it's amazing really, 900 entries after 4 years of writing about David Cassidy, his music, his life, his legacy and about his fans. Why I write? I know why and when I started, it was David's 'fault'. I thought quite a lot about writing a blog in the fall of 2020, but it was just an idea, nothing more, but on December 22nd when I actually started it, I didn't think about DC at all. It was one of the worst days of my life, I was sitting later in my room in a kind of stupor, it was midnight, snow was falling heavily outside, and I couldn't even bring myself to take off my coat. And in one moment I looked at this pic you can see today, it was (and still is) on my bedroom wall, and suddenly I heard a voice in my head, 'Get up and st...