Where Do We Go From Here / Mark James
One of my fav TPF's song (I write that statement so many times), but I really mean it. Wrote by an outstanding songwriter, Mark James (born in 1940). He wrote for Elvis 'Suspicious Minds'. 'Where Do We Go From Here', a song from that amazing last The Partridge Family album, 'Bulletin Board', released nearly 49 years ago, in October 1973. Also at the same time the David Cassidy's third solo album was released too. His first without Wes Farrell. For him it was the end of being Keith Partridge. He was almost free. 'Where do we go? Where do we go from here?' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dreVCZhvbk Of course it is a very sad song, about the end of love, but I've thought about it because we nearly finish our project for the David Cassidy Official Website, 'TPF Episode Synopsis'. We started in July last year, 96 episodes and only 9 left. 2 for me to write, and 7..I don't know, some fans volunteered to write the synopsis for those le...